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Rock // Stamullen, Meath

In early 2007 E-Li approached Stuart Gray of Jealoustown Studios with an album idea. Working alongside Stuart (producer/engineer) and Mark Cahill (co-producer) E-Li began the long road to a project that would take two years to complete. In that two years E-Li went through many changes in evolving a sound that has been described as sounding along the lines of Jamiroquai, Lenny Kravitz, Doobie Brothers and Maroon 5 but to name a few. Working with many top class session musicians E-Li achieved a funky groove to a mellow sweet uplifting rock groove that is now the driving force in each song. Working a lot of the time with Stuart Gray in studio. E-Li and Stuart finely tuned each track with painstaking detail to finally come to a cross roads were vital decisions had to be made to make each song come alive. Out of these long grindstone hours came ten songs that E-Li is now proud of. Check out for further information regarding E-Li.