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Folk // Cork, Cork // He/Him

Hánt is the moniker of songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Dylan Howe. Expressed through his voice, guitar, piano and any other instrument he can get his hands on, Dylan is bringing his songwriting back to it’s simplest form, feeling these songs out through emotional intuition and honesty. After years of performing worldwide in a variety of places, he intends on creating an intimate space for these songs to live in. The impressionistic textures against Howe's soaring voice draw the listener into a journey through some of his most intimate and honest work to date.

As a multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, composer, arranger, there are few corners of music that Dylan Howe hasn’t explored. He has gone on to collaborate and play with many internationally renowned artists such as Ariel Posen, The Frank & Walters, Toucan, Bricknasty, 1000 Beasts, Clare Sands, Susan O’Neill, John Blek, Jack O’Rourke and many others. He has performed across Ireland, UK, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, The US and Canada on Piano, Keys, Guitar, Saxophone, Trumpet, Clarinet, Cello, and Mandolin.

Hánt is an invite into Dylan's unique perspective on music and art.