A satirical musical comedy act based near Dublin, Ireland. Two young girls (Hannah Grace & Sheenagh Shannon) dressed as old Irish farmer men, writing witty, upbeat songs from their perspective. Their first single 'The Good Ol' Days' was released in May 2021, a lively original song commenting on sexism, stereotypes and how things were simply, 'better back in their day.' Taking a bold, tongue-in-cheek approach to topics such as homophobia (see their original song 'Pray The Gay Away), having a few jars (see original song 'Shpangled), or missing mass (Where Were You On Sunday Mornin'), music and having a lighthearted laugh remains at the heart of the act. Garnering fans across Ireland, the whacky nature of the duo has even turned heads overseas in the US, UK, & Asia. You can find them across Ireland busking in various cities, keeping you up to date with exciting news on all of their social media platforms.