SNAFU is a compilement of 4 friends' differing influences stemming from angsty teenage phases and artists present at the turn of the century. Every live performance uses 100% of energy and every song is unique with a differing member taking the lead on each song.
In 2025 we have released our third single Cauterise but we have also launched a DIY festival called SNAF*CKERY that featured 10 bands within one day. Featured on the line-up were some of the most prominent bands in the current Dublin scene such as Thanks Mom, Digdeep, Epilogue and Blandad. This all took place within a small beer garden in Navan behind a pub called Henry Loughrans, merch was being sold, moshes were being had and the event was a huge success with the whole venue being packed with well over 100 tickets sold. We have further plans to grow this concept within Dublin venues and further solidify the currently growing Dublin band scene.