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The Awning

Folk // Ennis, Clare

One wet evening in Ennis County Clare, failed athlete Darragh Purcell and washed up actor Evan Flaherty decided not to play video games.

Thus, The Awning was born. 

The Awning are musical storytellers, who write intensely personal explorations of love, loss and grief. Their personal mythology provides a leaping point from which they attempt to make sense and meaning of the world - creating some truly universal music in the process. Their unique brand of ethereal folk combines traditional elements with lush production and other-worldy harmonies (akin to Bon Iver and Fleet Foxes) And their vast array of influences range from the stripped down folk of Nick Drake and early Sufjan Stevens, to the psychedelic sounds of The Beach Boys and Animal Collective. 
 Theres a healthy respect for narrative folk to be found here, but also a willingness to experiment and embrace genre fluidity. What results are texturally dynamic musical landscapes, with songs morphing from guitar driven ballads to glittering soundscapes drenched in harmonies and electronic flourishes.